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Unlocking the Secrets to a Healthy Heart: Tips for Improving Heart Health

  Heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, but the good news is that many risk factors for heart disease are within our control. By adopting heart-healthy habits and making positive lifestyle changes , you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall heart health. Let's explore some effective strategies for maintaining a healthy heart and preventing cardiovascular problems. 1. Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet: A nutritious diet is the cornerstone of heart health . Focus on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and foods high in saturated and trans fats, which can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Incorporating heart-healthy foods such as fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil can help lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and support overall cardiovascular health. 2. Stay Active: R

6 Foods That Actually Have More Vitamin C than an Orange

Резултат слика за vitamin c i orange
Runny nose, sore throat? Sounds like you need a dose of vitamin C. But before you reach for an orange, consider these vitamin C facts.
Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is an essential vitamin that comes with a wealth of health benefits. ‘Vitamin C is essential for good immune function. It also plays an important role in chemical signalling to the brain and tissue repair,’ says Sophie Medlin, registered dietitian and owner at City Dieticians.
‘It has excellent antioxidant properties which means that it helps to control some of the consequences of tissue damage and unhealthy lifestyle choices like drinking and smoking.’

Vitamin C rich foods

Vitamin C is mostly found in fruit and veg – and oranges are a great source. What might surprise you, however, is that there are plenty of foods that actually contain more vitamin C than an orange. Here's how 100g of orange stacks up against 100g of its competition. 

Vitamin C in an orange (100g): 53.2 mg
1. Kale - 120 mg
2. Strawberries - 58.8 mg
3. Broccoli - 89.2 mg
4. Red Peppers - 242.5 mg
5. Kiwi - 92.7 mg
6. Brussels Sprouts - 85 mg 
Source: womenshealthmag


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