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Unraveling the Mystery: Can Weather-Related Pressure Changes Affect Your Joints?

  Many people with arthritis or other joint conditions claim they can predict changes in the weather based on how their joints feel. While it may sound like folklore, there is some scientific evidence to support the idea that weather-related pressure changes can indeed impact joint health and cause discomfort for some individuals. Let's explore this phenomenon further and uncover the potential link between weather and joint pain. 1. The Barometric Pressure Connection: Barometric pressure, also known as atmospheric pressure, refers to the pressure exerted by the weight of the air molecules in the atmosphere. Changes in barometric pressure occur in response to weather patterns such as changes in temperature, humidity, and altitude. Some researchers believe that fluctuations in barometric pressure can affect the fluid inside joints, causing expansion or contraction of tissues and triggering pain signals in sensitive individuals. 2. Scientific Studies: While anecdotal evidence abound

Can drinking coffee with melted butter actually melt the weight away?

Who knew butter would be the solution?
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People go to great extents to lose a couple of pounds. Intense exercise regimes, cutting out carbs and ridiculous diets are some of them but who would’ve thought adding butter to your morning coffee could do the trick?
If you’re thinking that butter in coffee isn’t a new invention, you’re right. Just a trip to the nearest kopitiam and you’ll be able to order yourself kopi gu you, which is essentially coffee with butter. No one really questioned this unique combination until an American entrepreneur rebranded it the Bulletproof Coffee. When the West finally caught up with the trend, Dave Asprey, entrepreneur and health and fitness fanatic modified the traditional beverage into a health product.
The Bullet Coffee is supposedly brimming with healthy fats that satiate your hunger and won’t cause any crashes throughout the day. A cup can keep you full for up to 6 hours, thus reducing your calorie intake and those few pounds. It also helps as an energy booster that can keep your mind active and clear.

But wait – isn’t butter unhealthy?

You would think drinking melted butter would raise your cholesterol levels and the number on the scale. However, Asprey specifically states to only add unsalted grass-fed butter or ghee to your coffee, not adding more than two tablespoons. Similar to the fats in avocado, the butter puts your body in a fat-burning mode without raising your cholesterol. Also, the Bulletproof Coffee should be taken as a meal on its own and not with food. Source:
Shona Menon


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